Monday, August 24, 2009

Week 1 - Thoughts on Learning

1) What is learning?

I would define learning is the acquisition, synthesis, and application of knowledge. To really learn a skill or a piece of information, you must acquire the information, synthesize it in your brain by relating it to what background knowledge you already have, then apply it by practicing the skill or applying the information. By doing those three things, you have actually learned it!

2) How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

To answer this, I first had to look up the word "effectuated" because I wasn't sure what type of derivation of "effect" that word actually meant. According to, it is a verb that means "to bring about; effect." So, I guess the question could be reworded to say, "How does a teacher effect learning?"

Teachers can effect learning in a variety of ways.
1) Teachers can directly impact the attitude of the learner. If a teacher is positive, the learner is more likely to be positive and have an open mind to learning the content. Conversely, a cynical teacher with a negative attitude may create an environment in which learning is a chore and becomes cumbersome.
2) Teachers can effect the learning by the instructional strategies they use. Students learn in different ways and through different means. For example, a well-intended lecture may not be the best teaching strategy for a student who is a tactile learner. Teachers can effect a wider variety of students by altering their teaching strategies to incorporate the strengths of many different types of learners.


  1. I totally agree that teachers are motivators and can impact a student's learning. I think that teachers also need to be fully confident in what they are teaching because if we are not sure the students can see right through it and will feel no need to learn it if we did not care to learn it.

  2. I really like your statement that the positive attitude of the teacher directly affects the attitude of the learner, and that this positive attitude can drive learning. Also, there is much research to support your assertion that a wide variety of instructional strategies helps students learn best. I think this is true.

  3. Great examples of effectuating learning. A teacher's attitude can be detrimental to the overall energy of a class. I remember having a math teacher who was so excited about math that I became excited as well. You are also right about using different teaching methods to reach different students with different learning styles. This can be a tough thing but necessary!

  4. I also talked about teachers' impact on students' motivation, but from a behaviorist point of view. Teachers can motivate students to learn everything, completely opening their minds and hearts to learning. Or, they can make a student feel like they never want to be in a classroom again. I must say, though, that teachers are not the sole individuals responsible for the students' motivation, attitude, and behavior. Students can turn themselves off through incorrect preconceived ideas and other personal issues. Let us not be at fault as the teachers and motivate even the reluctant student to see what they did not expect.
